Landlord and Tenant Law Overview

Are you unfortunately involved in a dispute and would like to have a landlord and tenant law overview. Landlord and tenant laws and eviction laws govern apartment tenant rights the rental of commercial and residential property. These laws are determined by the state in which the property is built. A number of states have based their statutory law on either the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) or the Model Residential Landlord Tenant Code.

The Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) is divided into sections with each section clearly defining the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant. Some of the provisions of the landlord and tenant law overview are:

  • Terms and Conditions of Rental Agreement
  • Effect of Unsigned or Undelivered Rental Agreement
  • Prohibited Provisions in Rental Agreements
  • Separation of Rents and Obligations to Maintain Property Forbidden
  • Security Deposits, Prepaid Rent
  • Disclosure
  • Limitation of Liability
  • Wrongful Failure to Supply Heat, Water, or Essential Services
  • Failure to Pay Rent, Failure to Maintain
  • Landlord Liens
  • Remedy after Termination
  • Recovery of Possession
  • Periodic Tenancy, Holdover Remedies
  • Landlord and Tenant Remedies for Abuse of Access

The basis of the legal relationship between a landlord and tenant is grounded in both contract and property law. The tenant has a restricted interest in the property. No matter what type of landlord tenant dispute you may be experiencing a landlord and tenant law overview can eliminate future problems.

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