Are there any government grants to help me stop foreclosure?


I am dealing with serious financial trouble, and I think that my bank is about to foreclose on a mortgage on my property. I have heard that there are grants to stop foreclosure, and if it is available, I definitely need help to stop my foreclosure, because this property is where I live. Is there a group or government entity helping foreclosure problems that I can contact?


The national foreclosure problem has grown to such an epidemic scale that there are indeed now federal, state, and local government grant programs to help stop foreclosure, but not everyone is eligible for grants to stop foreclosure. In order to qualify, you need to be well behind in your payments (at least several months), under immediate threat of foreclosure, recently unemployed, or stuck in a deficit situation (owing far more on your mortgage than the property is worth). While some grants of cash are available for helping foreclosure defendants catch up their monthly payments, most assistance involves some manner of required credit counseling, requests for loan modification, and the development of payment plans to ensure that all of a person's obligations are settled. Unfortunately, government attempts at foreclosure assistance are still disorganized and haphazard, and there's no single place to go to look for foreclosure help.

The federal Fair Housing Administration (FHA) website can provide information on federal foreclosure help, but the majority of foreclosure assistance is provided through local non-profit groups. A local attorney who deals with debt collection defense, including foreclosure defense and bankruptcy, is probably the most centralized source you will find for information on programs available in your locality to help stop foreclosure. If you have other, unsecured debt to handle as well, bankruptcy may be an option to consider; although bankruptcy won't ultimately prevent a creditor from selling the subject property, the bankruptcy court can exercise some control to help stop foreclosure from being carried out in an arbitrary manner and to give the debtor time to find a way to deal with the situation.

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