How does a silent title work in real estate?


How does a silent title work in real estate?


A silent real estate investor is a person who contributes money to a real estate project but who is not involved in the management of it . This person allows the managers to decide how to run the business. A silent investor in real estate is not to be confused with a property action for quiet title.

Understanding Quiet Title and Silent Title in Real Estate Law

A quiet title action may be established to deal with questions about ownership of a particular piece of real property. A person who files a quiet title action asks the court to order that other parties discontinue making any subsequent claims to the property. Quiet title actions are important because certain real estate changes hands often and it is thus not easy to determine who has title to the property.

Getting Legal Advice

Understanding legal concepts such as silent and quiet title can be difficult. If you are dealing with complicated legal transactions, it is wise to have a lawyer available who can answer your questions. Contact an attorney to find out answers to your other real estate questions or to establish a relationship for your future needs.

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