Real Estate Land Trust

Are you a real estate investor concerned about potential lawsuits and claims filed against your property? A real estate land trust should be considered, and incorporated into your financial planning. A Real Estate Lawyer can review the legal and tax implications with this type of trust.

A real estate land trust can possible provide the legal and tax protection for your real estate. Contact a Real Estate Lawyer to have all of your real estate land trust questions answered.

In the United States, trusts may be either revocable or irrevocable. Trusts are often used because they may allow assets to be passed to heirs without going through the process of probate. Avoiding probate may save some costs (the probate process can charge a fee based on the net worth of the deceased), time, and maintain privacy (the probate process is public, while distribution through a trust is not).

Trusts also can be used in planning for the contingency of incapacity. The grantor may also serve as a trustee or co-trustee. In the case where two or more co-trustees serve, the trust instrument may provide that either trustee alone may act on behalf of the trust. The trust instrument may also provide that other the co-trustee shall act as sole trustee if the grantor becomes incompetent.

Other Considerations:

  • Financial Privacy: Many investors prefer the privacy which a trust affords. It is customary for a trust to hold title to a property as opposed to an individual. This anonymity is considered to be a tremendous benefit.
  • Protection from Judgments & Liens: A trust provides legal shelter from judgments and liens. Under most circumstances a trust can not be sued.
  • Tax Planning: Trusts also, in practical terms, tend to be driven to large extent by tax considerations.
  • Probate Exclusion: A trust is not under the control and supervision of the probate court, and property held by such a trust is not part of a decedent's probated estate.

Prudent planning is essential for financial security. The assets under your control may be better protected if included within a trust. If you have any desire to allow your heirs to minimize burdensome taxes that may be incurred through probate, then you should not hesitate to contact a Real Estate Lawyer for a complete evaluation of your goals and objectives.

See Also:

A real estate land trust can possible provide the legal and tax protection for your real estate. Contact a Real Estate Lawyer to have all of your real estate land trust questions answered.

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