What Information Does a Land Survey Reveal

Commercial real estate transactions are laden with inspections, land surveys and other procedural safeguards to make sure people on each side of the transaction gain full disclosure of the state of the property and the responsibilities of each party prior to the actual sale being completed. Land survey is just one of a series of inspections to make sure the buyer is fully informed about the property he intends to purchase.

Land Survey Explained

A land survey is used to measure boundaries and area of property. Land surveys are done by state licensed professionals who have been educated in this area and have passed local testing and other requirements. A land surveyor will utilize specialized equipment to measure a lot. They will map out and measure buildings, structures and anything else found on a lot. Land surveys are sometimes required to make title documents, insure property and divide subdivisions.

In order for a land sale contract to be legal, it must describe the property. That is one of the main purposes for surveying land. Without this clearly defined understanding of what a property includes, there are likely to be more disputes regarding land ownership and boundaries.

If you are dealing with a real estate transaction and think that a land surveyor may be required to make sure your transaction is completed properly, you may need a better understanding of the kinds of things a land surveyor can help you with. A licensed land surveyor may be hired to conduct all of the following:

  • Survey a boundary to confirm that a house, additions, water and sewage are on the property as stated in the deed;
  • Determine whether or not one property encroaches on another property;
  • Perform a topographic survey of land;
  • Perform a hydrographic survey of water;
  • Perform construction surveys for roads and buildings;
  • Make sure that a building is within property lines prior to construction; and
  • Divide the lots of a subdivision.

Getting Legal Help

If you are dealing with a commercial real estate transaction and need help assessing paperwork or a land survey, contact an attorney who handles commercial real estate transactions to help ease your mind and make sure the transaction is handled properly. An attorney can advise you of the propriety of the terms within your agreement and help you negotiate any necessary terms.

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