Tenant Eviction over Drug Use Activity

Although landlords can give tenant eviction notice because of serious illegal activity, the still can't put tenants. The landlords still have to follow the eviction process to remove tenants.

Tenants Can Receive Tenant Eviction Notices for Specific Reasons

There are three types of tenant eviction notices. Generally, people are evicted for nonpayment of rent or violating the terms of the rental agreement. The third is the unconditional quit notice which is the toughest of all the tenant eviction notices.

Tenant Eviction Notice Because of Illegal Activities

Landlords can evict tenants based on them engaging in criminal activity such as drug use or selling. They will give tenant eviction notices even when people are paying their rent on time and meeting terms of the rental agreement. The landlords can do this because of they must look out for the safety or health of other residents.

Landlords Will Give Tenants a Notice to Vacate

The tenant eviction notices are written request for tenants to move because of some kind of illegal drug activity. The notice doesn't have to be served by law enforcement officer. Typically, the written notice will give a specific date for tenants to leave. For instance, in Vermont the date to vacate must at least be 14 days from the date tenants receive the notice, according to Vermont Law Help.

Once the Date to Leave Passes, Landlords Can File with the Court

The landlords must file with the court to evict tenants. Thus, they can't remove any tenants' belongings from the apartment. Once the required court documents are filed, the tenants will receive a second tenant eviction notice. However, it's important to respond to this notice. When tenants answer the compliant, they write their defense out and file it with the court. Then the will assign a court date for a hearing.

The Landlords and Tenants Must Defend Their Cases

In court, both parties must explain why they should win. For instance, landlords must prove that there was illegal activity occurring in the apartment. The tenants can explain their side of the case. If the judge decides in the landlords' favor, then tenants will have to move.

Seek Legal Help

Both tenants and landlords should obtain an attorney for assistance with evictions because of criminal activity such as drug use. The attorney will explain all options and help filing the required paperwork.

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