Bankruptcy Home Loans: Getting a Payment Forgiven

Dealing with bankruptcy home loans can be stressful. Bankruptcy is supposed to help a debtor get a fresh start, but sometimes it takes a while to recover from the expense of bankruptcy. If you have a home loan and file for bankruptcy, you may need help getting through this process so that you an hold on to your home.

Getting a Mortgage Payment Forgiven

If you are struggling with debt and your mortgage payments, consider some of the following possibilities that may help you get through this trying time:

  • You may qualify for a loan modification under the HAMP program. Make sure that the program is legitimate by having any paperwork reviewed by your attorney.
  • You may be able to work with your lender to have the payment tacked on to the end of your loan. This can really help individuals who just need a little breathing room.
  • Consider filing bankruptcy to relieve unsecured debts so that you can keep your home. If you have mounting credit or medical debts and they are making it difficult to keep up with your mortgage, it may be time to file bankruptcy.

There may be other ways that you have not considered for keeping your home. Sometimes debtors get so overwhelmed when things go wrong that they fail to make reasoned decisions about managing their finances. If you need help figuring out what to do next and what is in your best interest, seek professional help.

Getting Legal Advice

If you need help juggling mortgage payments and other debt, discuss your case with an experienced attorney who is familiar with the complex law in the areas of real estate financing and bankruptcy. An attorney will give you sound advice about your debt situation and help you assess which options may be right for you given your assets, debts and income.

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