Do Rent Control Laws Apply to Mobile Homes?

Although many states have outlawed rent control laws, they do still exist in some other jurisdictions. Where these laws apply, they are often used in large part to protect those living in mobile homes.

What Is Rent Control

Rent control laws are used to stabilize costs for the benefit of the renters. This is accomplished by limiting the amount of rent that can be charged or the amount by which rents can be increased. The theory behind such laws is to prevent landlords from taking advantage of tenants.

Special Situations

Mobile homes often create special situations. When a person builds a home, he generally owns the land that it rests upon. Many people who own mobile homes, however, live in parks or communities where they rent the land.

When rent control laws are used to protect these individuals, it is often because they are viewed as vulnerable. If the owners of the land are allowed to charge or increase rates without regulation, the livelihoods of large numbers of people can be jeopardized. This is especially true for mobile home owners who are currently renting and either do not agree with the prices or cannot afford to pay. These people must then move their mobile homes, which is a task that can be difficult, expensive, and which can significantly depreciate the value of their homes.

The Debate

Legislatures in a number of states have been successfully sold the idea that rent control laws are unfair to landlords. Arguments opposing these measures include those saying that high income individuals can enjoy cheap rents and that regulation discourages real estate investment. As a result many states have banned this type of price regulation.

Legal Assistance

Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, if you believe that rent control laws are being violated or unfairly enforced, you should speak with a real estate attorney to find out what measures you can take to rectify the situation.

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