Delaware Mechanic Lien Laws

Below is a summary guide of the statute of limitations regarding liens in the state of Delaware for primary contractors, sub contractors, and materials suppliers. A liens attorney in Delaware is the best source of information regarding your specific claims, including the appropriate course of action to take.

Notice Requirements for Mechanics Liens in Delaware

Contractors in Delaware

Primary contractors in the state of Delaware involved in a dispute must provide a complete list of all supplier and laborers associated with a given project with ten (10) days of receiving a preliminary notice request. Until this complete list is provided, neither side is legally entitled to pay or to their lien rights. Individual contractors wanting to make statement of claims must do so within one hundred and eighty (180) days following the finishing of the project involved in claim.

Sub Contractors in Delaware

No preliminary notice of lien is required to be filed by sub contractors in Delaware. However, statement of claim on lien must be made within one hundred and twenty days (120) days of final day on jobsite or working on project.

Materials Suppliers in Delaware

Materials suppliers in Delaware are not required to provide preliminary notice on right to attach liens, however, state of claims on lien must be made within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the last date materials were supplied to a given jobsite, project, or renovation.

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