Nevada Lien Laws

In the state of Nevada, lien laws exist to protect the rights of primary and sub contractors, as well as materials suppliers and general laborers. In order to ensure the legal right to make claims on liens, specific protocol and deadlines must be adhered to by interest parties, which are specifically outlined in Nevada statutes regarding lien laws.

Primary Contractors in Nevada

In the state of Nevada, primary contractors are under no legal obligation to offer preliminary notice to owners. In order to make claim on lien, prime contractors must record notice of claim within ninety (90) days of completing work, last day providing materials, or if notice of completion signed, the primary contractor then has only forty (40) days to record lien notice. Claims on lien must be served to owner within thirty (30) days of recording. Any action to foreclose on lien must happen within six (6) months of recording lien. In addition to any action to foreclose, lis pendens filings, notice served to owners, and notice of suit must appear in newspaper one time for three weeks in a row.

Sub Contractors in Nevada

Sub contractors are legally required to give preliminary notice to project owner and prime contractor of all work done and materials supplied at any date following the first date of doing so. Serving this notice later than one (1) month after start of work will limit recovery timelines, therefore filing before time period is important. Actions to enforce liens and make claims on lien taken by sub contractors follow the same schedule and protocol as prime contractors thereafter, including the key dates of:

  • Record notice of claim of lien within ninety (90) days of last day on project
  • Record notice of claim of lien within forty (40) days if notice of completion signed
  • Serve claim on lien to owner within thirty (30) days of recording
  • Action to foreclose must occur within six (6) months of recording, including lis pendens notice, notice served on owners, and public notice of suit to foreclose

Materials Suppliers in Nevada

The preliminary notice process for materials suppliers in Nevada entails giving notice to owner, prime contractor, and sub contractors of all materials provided, including giving this notice within the first thirty- one (31) days of first date of providing materials in order to achieve full recovery. Otherwise, all actions to make claim on liens or to take action to foreclose on lien by the materials suppliers on a project follow the same schedule and protocol as those for the sub contractors and prime contractors, which are outlined above.

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