Oklahoma Lien Laws

In the state of Oklahoma, existing lien law statutes are in place to protect contractors and sub contractors during and following the completion of building and construction projects. In order to preserve your right to lien on a property, adhering to the notice and filing procedures of these lien laws in Oklahoma is essential to making any future claims and action to enforce lien rights.

Primary Contractors in Oklahoma

In the state of Oklahoma, primary contractors are not required by law to issue preliminary lien notice in order to preserve their rights to make claims on lien. To make claim on lien, a statement of lien is required to be filed by primary contractors no later than four (4) months following the last date work or material is provided to a given project. All actions to enforce lien claims against owners must begin no later than one (1) year after the date of the filing of the statement of the lien.

Sub Contractors in Oklahoma

Sub contractors in the state of Oklahoma are not required to offer preliminary lien notice. In order to make claims on liens, sub contractors must file a statement of lien within ninety (90) days of the last day they participated in a given project site. All actions to begin enforcing lien rights must start within one (1) year of the day that the lien statement was originally filed by sub contractors.

Materials Suppliers in Oklahoma

Materials suppliers in the state of Oklahoma are not required by law to offer preliminary notice to owners, similar to sub contractors. Also similar to sub contractors, materials suppliers must adhere to the same claims on lien and action to enforce schedule, which include the following key dates, including:

  • No preliminary notice required
  • Claim on lien filed no later than ninety (90) days after last day on project
  • Actions to enforce lien must begin within one (1) year of claim on lien filing date

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