Principles of Real Estate Syndication

Are you trying to acquire greater knowledge on the principles of real estate syndication? The term "syndication" has no precise legal significance. It is a descriptive term for an organization or combination of investors pooling capital for real estate investments. The responsibility, obligation and relationship of the syndicator to the investment group and the investors to each other are determined principally by the form of organization.

The formation and management of the organization itself, is the first of several principles of real estate syndication. Contact a Real Estate Lawyer for guidance throughout all principles of real estate syndication.

By pooling financial resources with others, syndicates are able to participate in a broader range of real estate transactions. Syndication also offers professional management. This professional management, the basic commodity that the syndicator has to offer, is crucial to successful syndication.

Initial Considerations:

  • Type of organization: Limited Partnership, S-Corp or REIT
  • Compliance with Federal securities laws
  • Compliance with State securities laws
  • Charter
  • Board of Directors
  • By-laws
  • Prospectus
  • Accounting procedures
  • Management contracts

The popularity of real estate syndications have grown over the years, in response to vibrant real estate markets throughout the country. There are various laws and regulations that govern the actual formation, and day to day operations of real estate syndications. These laws will vary by state, and it is important that you speak with a qualified Real Estate Lawyer in your particular area.

See Also:

The formation and management of the organization itself, is the first of several principles of real estate syndication. Contact a Real Estate Lawyer for guidance throughout all principles of real estate syndication.

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