When should I use a timeshare quit claim deed form?


When should I use a timeshare quit claim deed form?


A timeshare quit claim deed form is one of the options you have for getting rid of ownership in a timeshare. If you are an owner of a timeshare, it is quite important for you to ensure that you remove ownership of the property from your name, legally. However, because a timeshare is a piece of real estate that is owned legally by several people, it is often the case that you are unable to sell the property's title at the time of sale. A quit claim deed can help you to lose your rights in the property without affecting others who own the property.

Key Factors To Know

With a timeshare quit claim deed form, you are transferring your ownership in a piece of property from yourself to someone else. The key difference in this type of deed transfer is that you are only able to give up your rights in the property, not the rights of the others who own it.

  • The best time to use a timeshare quit claim form is when you own a timeshare through a Tennant in Common type of ownership.
  • Use it when your portion of the timeshare is paid in full.
  • Read through the timeshare contract. If the contract does not give you actual ownership percentage in the property, then using a quit claim transfer is acceptable if you are still paying fees on the property.

In most cases, you can get this form for a minimal cost. However, working with a real estate attorney is often the best route to take to protect your interests.

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