How is a deed of easement created in North Carolina?


How is a deed of easement created in North Carolina?


If you are looking to file a deed of easement in North Carolina, you will need to follow a few simple steps to be able to do so. The biggest thing you will need to worry about is making sure that you have the right paperwork and that it is filled out properly when you are looking to have a deed of easement in North Carolina. This is not an easy task and not something that should be taken lightly. There are a number of stipulations you need to follow in regards to the deed as well.

What to Know

There are some things that apply to the deed of easements in North Carolina, and they are as follows when you are looking to file one:

  • They do not apply to any deed executed prior to 1910
  • The deed shall not apply to any property that is condemned
  • They will not apply to telephone companies operating in North Carolina or agreements about alleyways
  • They will not apply to deeds that were defectively executed

No matter what the situation, these are the four main restrictions on a deed of easement as well as making sure to file and fill out the appropriate paperwork in the proper timeframe.

Hire an Attorney

No matter what you are doing, using a real estate attorney will help you to understand and better interpret the laws on easements. They will also help you make sure all things are filled out appropriately and according to state laws.

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