Can I sue a builder contractor for malconstruction?


Can I sue a builder contractor for malconstruction?


Defects in construction can lead to disastrous consequences. These would not only lower the value of your home significantly but may also even put your family in danger. While some defects are obvious and may easily be detected, others are less apparent and may only be discovered after an accident has already happened. Common types of construction defects include poor design mistakes, bad or low quality materials, poor workmanship, or technical errors. More specifically, these mistakes can be in the heating or electrical wirings, foundation, structure, flooring, drainage, roof cracks, and many more.

If your home was constructed and it turns out to have construction defects, you have the option to sue a builder contractor for malconstruction. Since construction defect law can be quite complicated, it is strongly advised that you get in touch with an attorney who specializes in the construction defects so you can build a viable case. Most of these cases are also hard to prove and rely only on testimonials from an expert witness. It is imperative that you check the state laws in your area that pertains to procedures for filing a claim and time limits for doing so, so you will be able to act accordingly. You would not want to miss out on the time period specified for acting on the problem. If you do not want the complications of filing a lawsuit, you may attempt to resolve the matters first with the building contractor. If this move proves to be unsuccessful, you are left with no choice but to file a lawsuit.

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