Alaska Mechanic Lien Laws

Do you do business in Alaska, either as a subcontractor, prime contractor, tradesperson, or laborer? If so, you need to familiarize yourself with Alaska Statutes Subsection 34.35.005 et seq. This statute governs the Alaska lien laws for construction project owners, contractors, sub contractors, and materials suppliers.

Notice Requirements for Mechanics Liens in Alaska

Primary Contractors in Alaska

According to Alaska Statutes Subsection 34.35.005 et seq., you need to serve the owner with a Notice of Right to Lien before you even begin working on the project.

You need to file your Claim of Lien within fifteen (15) days of the Notice of Completion if you have recorded advance notice of the filing of Notice of Completion. If you have not filed a Right to Lien, you will have to file your Claim of Lien within fifteen (15) days from your filing of Notice of Completion. However, if you have filed Notice of Right to Lien, you have up to 90 days after actual completion of the construction contract or the last day that you provide goods or services (whichever occurs first) for improvement of the property to file a Claim of Lien. If you have given Notice of Right to Lien, but receive no advance notice of the date that the owner is to record the Notice of Completion, you have 90 days to record your lien claims.

Sub Contractors in Alaska

Again, you need to give the owner Notice of Right to Lien before you begin providing materials and/or services. A Claim of Lien has to be filed within fifteen (15) days from filing of Notice of Completion in the event that no Notice of Right to Lien has been filed.

If you have filed a Notice of Right to Lien, you have until ninety (90) days after either the completion of the construction contract or the last day that you furnish goods or services (whichever happens first) for improvement of the property to record your Claim of Lien. If you give Notice of Right to Lien, but were given no advance notice of the date that the owner is to record the Notice of Completion, you have 90 days to record your Claim of Lien.

Material Suppliers

You must serve the owner with a Notice of Right to Lien before you provide any services and/or materials. If no Notice of Right to Lien has been filed, Claim of Lien has to be filed within fifteen (15) days from filing of Notice of Completion. If a Notice of Right to Lien has been filed, you have until ninety (90) days after either the completion of the construction contract or the last day that you furnish products for improvement of the property to record your Claim of Lien. If you have given Notice of Right to Lien, but are provided with no advance notice of the date that the owner is to record the Notice of Completion, ninety (90) days is allotted for notice of claim of lien.

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